You know, it's strange where life will take you if you let it.
Life has me moving to a very, very far away place called Union, West Virginia. I feel comfortable putting that information online for a number of reasons:
1) My readers consist mainly of family, friends and possibly a few lovers. Not likely you say? Kill joys!
2) Union is so remote and unchartered that I doubt that an ax-murderer would be able to find me anyway. Seriously, in trying to map the coordinates of my new digs, Google Earth was like "Woh. Where are my glasses? Please hold."
3) I underestimate the investigative prowess of said ax murderer.
I just got a chill. Hold me.
I won't tell a lie, I'm a wee bit sad to be leaving. The walls have been lovingly painted and then re-painted, the location is convenient for work and, well, it's mine and I've enjoyed living here. Arriving home after a long day of work, you might hear me bellow "hello house!" as I enter through the front door. Don't be alarmed. You should be used to me personifying inanimate objects by now. It's what I do.
This weekend I'll be saying adieu to my little condo of dreams...
Oh, silly me. That is an old picture. Here's *my condo...
Like the pillows? I sure do.
Whatever mixed blessing this move represents, where I am moving to, dear reader, is pretty awesome. I am looking forward to sharing with you some of the sights from my new residence which just happens to be a slice of scenic glory.
*This picture exists in my dreams and also on Pottery